Vesle Selma har ein kanin. Ein dag tek ho eit egg i kjøleskåpet og leg翻訳 - Vesle Selma har ein kanin. Ein dag tek ho eit egg i kjøleskåpet og leg英語言う方法

Vesle Selma har ein kanin. Ein dag

Vesle Selma har ein kanin. Ein dag tek ho eit egg i kjøleskåpet og legg det i dokkesenga, for ho vil så gjerne ha ein kjukling òg. Kaninen skal ruge ut egget..

Selma veit at slikt tek tid, ho gler seg og er tolmodig. Iblant kjenner ho på egget, og det er ikkje så veldig varmt, så kanskje kaninen ikkje er like flink til å ruge som ei høne. Men Selma skjenner ikkje på han for det, ho elskar nemleg kaninen sin. Og ho har store planar: Når kjuklingen kjem ut av egget, skal ho ta med seg dei to vennene og reise ut i verda. Tekst og bilete gjer denne boka til ei glad og god oppleving.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Little Selma has a rabbit. Ein day tek ho an egg in the kjøleskåpet and put it in the dokkes meadow, ho will then feel free to have a kjukling, too. The rabbit to incubate the egg out.. Selma know that such tek time, ho gler and is patient. Sometimes know ho on the egg, and it is not so very hot, so maybe the rabbit is not as good at as a brooding hen. But Selma feel not at him for it, ho elskar nemleg the rabbit. And ho have large planar: when going out of the egg kjuklingen, ho take dei two friends and travel out in the world. Text and image make this book into a happy and good his experience.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Little Selma ein rabbit. One day tech ho EiT eggs in kjøleskåpet and put it in the dock bed, because she would like to be ein kjukling ish. The rabbit will incubate the egg .. Selma know that such tek time, she is looking forward and be patient. Sometimes know ho on the egg, and it is not so very hot, so maybe the rabbit not is equally adept at brooding like a hen. But Selma scolds not on him for that, she elskar nemleg rabbit's. And she has big plans: When kjuklingen core out of the egg, the ho bring dei two friends and go out into the world. Text and images makes this book for a happy and good oppleving.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
V%20ho%20elskar%20:%20rabbit%20his.%20And%20ho%20has%20large%20planar:%20N%C3%A5r%20kjuklingen%20fighters%20out%20of%20egg,%20should%20ho%20take%20with%20itself%20dei%20two%20your friends%20and%20travel%20out%20in%20verda.%20Text%20and%20image%20fuzzy%20this%20boka%20to%20ei%20happy%20and%20good%20experience.%20%5E
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