In the run-up to their Annual Matinee Performance on the main stage at the Opera House, the Royal Ballet School gives a series of performances at the Linbury Studio Theatre to offer junior members and alternate casts greater opportunities. This year, again, all graduating students have landed good jobs and their final school performances celebrate their achievement. Five dancers have gained contracts with the Royal Ballet and Johan Kobberg has bagged four for the National Ballet of Romania, the company he now directs. The RBS mission statement: to produce dancers who are not only a pleasure to watch but a pleasure to know has given graduates a passport to success.
The evening had its traditional mix of students from across the upper and lower schools, in ballets old and new. The juniors were mightily impressive in their opener, “Jubilation” choreographed by Antonio Castilla and Diane van Schoor to Glazunov’s “Polonaise”. They performed with confidence taking to the stage with delight while never forgetting to point their feet.