Etterhvert også til OsloI tillegg til nye ølpol i Trondheim og Sandnes翻訳 - Etterhvert også til OsloI tillegg til nye ølpol i Trondheim og Sandnes英語言う方法

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Etterhvert også til Oslo
I tillegg til nye ølpol i Trondheim og Sandnes, vil også Oslo få et slikt prøveprosjekt etter hvert, har Vinmonopolet bestemt. Men hvorfor ikke alle utsalgene?
- Alle har fått mye større ølsortiment nå enn før. Vi starter prøveprosjekt blant annet i Trondheim for å kunne tilby spesielle øltyper det er lite tilbud av. Vi har også spesialbutikker for vin vi ikke klarer å skaffe til alle våre 300 utsalg. Det kan være 1000 vinflasker totalt i hele verden vi kanskje klarer å skaffe fem flasker av. Da har vi ikke noe å fordele, men et tilbud for å kunne selge det et sted, sier Lorentzen.
- Hvorfor Trondheim?
- Interessen for øl er stor i Trondheim og vi håper å kunne tilby trønderne et spennende ølsortiment. Vi vil evaluere prøveprosjektet og om vi skal utvide til flere utsalg etter hvert, sier Lorentzen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Eventually also to OsloIn addition to the new ølpol in Trondheim and Sandnes, will also get such a Oslo try project eventually, vinmonopolet determined. But why not all the retail outlets?-All has gotten a lot bigger now than before ølsortiment. We start the trial project in Trondheim, among other things to be able to offer special beers there is little offer of. We have also special stores for wine we are unable to provide to all of our 300 outlets. It can be a total of 1000 bottles of wine in the world we may manage to get five bottles of. Then we have nothing to distribute, but an offer in order to sell it somewhere, "says Lorentzen.-Why Trondheim?-The interest in beer is great in Trondheim and we hope to be able to offer an exciting trønderne ølsortiment. We will evaluate the trial project and whether we should expand to multiple outlets for each, "says Lorentzen.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Eventually also to Oslo
In addition to new Olpol in Trondheim and Sandnes will also Oslo obtain such a pilot project eventually have Vinmonopolet determined. But why not all outlets?
- Everyone has gotten much bigger ølsortiment now than before. We start pilot project including in Trondheim to offer special beers there is little supply of. We also have special shops for wine we are unable to provide for all of our 300 outlets. There could be 1,000 bottles total worldwide we might fail to obtain five bottles of. Then we have nothing to distribute, but an offer to sell it somewhere, says Lorentzen.
- Why Trondheim?
- Interest in beer is great in Trondheim and we hope to offer an exciting ølsortiment Trønders. We will evaluate the pilot project and whether we should expand to several outlets eventually, says Lorentzen.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
After each also to Oslo
in addition to the new ølpol in Trondheim and Sandnes will also Oslo get such a pilot project after each, have your liquor store specific. But why not all utsalgene?
- All have received much larger ølsortiment now than before. We start the sample project including in Trondheim to be able to provide special beers there is little quotation of.We also have special shops for wine we are not able to get to all our 300 retail. It can be 1000 vinflasker total in the entire world we may be able to obtain five bottles of. Then have we not something to distribute, but a quotation to be able to sell it a place," says Lorentzen.
- Why Trondheim?
- interest in beer is great in Trondheim and we hope to be able to offer trønderne an exciting ølsortiment.We will evaluate the pilot project and whether we should expand to several retail after each, says Lorentzen.
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