11. De svarte firkantene i diagrammet er m som er felt, og skal derfor ikke strikkes. 9. 1 kast 7. SSK 5. 2 r sm 3. vr 1. r A – det strukturstrikkede feltet B – det perlestrikkede feltet
11. The black squares in the diagram is the m that isfield, and should not work.9.1 yo7. SSK5. K2 Tog3. vr1. rA-the strukturstrikkede fieldB-the MOSS stitch field
11. The black square in diagram m which is field and should therefore not knit. 9. 1 roll 7. SSK 5. K2tog 3. vr 1. r A - the structure knitted field B - the pearl knitted field
11. The black squares in the diagram are m field, and should therefore not strikkes. 9. 1 Discard 7. SSK 5. 2 R sm 3 Vr 1 r A - the strukturstrikkede field B - the perlestrikkede field