Glamox setter pris på og takker for din interesse. Pr. i dag har vi ingen behov utover det vi nå har i Asia. Dersom dette skulle endre seg vil denne type stillinger bli utlyst. Ha en fin dag videre.
Glamox appreciate and thank you for your interest. Pr. Today we have no needs beyond what we now have in Asia. If this should change this type of positions be advertised. Have a nice day.
Glamox thank, thank you for your interest. Of Pr. Today, we do not have the needs that are not beyond what now, you have in Asia. This is, you need to change this type of advertised position. have a nice day.
Glamox your interest, thank you. Per today, we became we like. You do not need to what the beyond in Asia. If this change occurs, this type of position will be advertised. It has further a nice day.