Delstudier i utlandet våren 2017! Husk søknadsfrist 15. september
Av Emrys Gerritse, 2016-09-01
Studer i Tyskland, Korea, Japan, Nederland, USA, Mexico, Canada, Sveits, Chile, Italia, Spania, Tsjekkia, Australia, Ungarn, New Zealand, Storbritannia, Frankrike, Polen, Romania, Slovenia, Peru eller en av flere andre land. Sjekk muligheter her!
Delstudium i utlandet våren 2017 er mulig for studenter fra de følgende studier:
De fleste andre studieprogrammer har mulighet til å ta deler av studie i utenlandet i høstsemesteret. Ta kontakt med internasjonalt kontor for en veidelningstime.
Barnevern og Vernepleie har mulighet for praksis i utlandet i høstsemesteret.
Søknadsskjema leveres på internasjonalt kontor eller Studenttorget.
Søknadsskjema finner du også her!
Part study abroad spring 2017! Remember application deadline 15. SeptemberBy Emrys Gerritse, 2016-09-01 Study in Germany, Korea, Japan, Netherlands, United States, Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, United Kingdom, France, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Peru or one of several other countries. Check opportunities here!Part study abroad spring 2017 is possible for students from the following studies:BARLL/BAMLTBOLABAINTHISBSOSBAPED Most of the other study programs have the ability to take parts of the study in the utenlandet in the fall semester. Please contact the International Office for a veidelningstime. Child welfare and Protective care have the opportunity for practice abroad in the fall semester.The application form is provided at the International Office or Student square. The application form you will also find here!

Study abroad in the spring of 2017! Remember deadline September 15.
By Emrys Gerritse, 2016-09-01
Studying in Germany, Korea, Japan, Netherlands, United States, Mexico, Canada, Switzerland, Chile, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Australia, Hungary, New Zealand, UK, France , Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Peru or one of several other countries. Check the possibilities here!
Study abroad in the spring of 2017 is possible for students from the following studies:
BAPED Most other programs have the opportunity to take part of the study in no country in the fall semester. Please contact the international office for a veidelningstime. Child Welfare and Social have the opportunity for training abroad in the autumn semester. Application forms delivered at the International Office or the Student center. Application forms are also available here!

Delstudier%20in%20abroad%20v%C3%A5clean%202017!%20Remember%20s%C3%B8knadsfrist%2015.%20september%5EAv%20Emrys%20Gerritse,%202016-09-01%5E%5E%20Study%20in%20Germany,%20Korea,%20Japan,%20Netherlands,%20UNITED STATES,%20Mexico,%20Canada,%20Switzerland,%20Chile,%20Italy,%20Spain,%20Czech Republic,%20Australia,%20Hungary,%20New%20Zealand,%20United Kingdom,%20France,%20Poland,%20Romania,%20Slovenia,%20Peru%20or%20A%20of%20several%20Other%20countries.%20Check%20opportunities%20here!!!!!!!%5E%5EDelstudium%20in%20abroad%20v%C3%A5clean%202017%20is%20possible%20for%20students%20from%20they%20f%C3%B8a subsequent%20studies:%5E%5EBARLL/BAMLT%5EBOLA%5EBAINTHIS%5EBSOS%5EBAPED%5E%20%5E%20They%20most%20Other%20Study Programs%20has%20opportunity%20to%20%C3%A5%20take%20parts%20of%20study%20in%20without country%20in%20h%C3%B8stsemesteret.%20Take%20contact%20with%20international%20office%20for%20A%20veidelningstime.%20%5E%20Children Protection%20and%20Protection Care%20has%20opportunity%20for%20practice%20in%20abroad%20in%20h%C3%B8stsemesteret.%5E%5ES%C3%B8knadsskjema%20delivered%20p%C3%A5%20international%20office%20or%20Student Square.%5E%20S%C3%B8knadsskjema%20find%20you%20also%C3%A5%20here!!!!!!!