It's a struggle between the kampglade riddarar under Hallings island. Combat the Apple is proudMargjit. Lord-Per defends her for a long time, but finally he not meir orkar and poursthe sword: now you have to Margjit, verje you a thrill! It is done Margjit. Ho dress in armor andwith the sword høgg ho down the premier motstandaren, Iven Erningsson, then his bodycast off in two piece. The King sends the bod on her and tell her to select whether ho will be his frillaor suffer a sudden death. When the trugar Margjit the guy with the sword, and the King cast off to the rest of the child and takesher to the Queen.It is good and well twenty tekstvariantar of this ballad, dei, most dating from Telemark, Norway.Some are from Aust-Agder. Landstad was tidlegast out with the attachment of "Proud Margjit and IvenErningsson "to the paper, but have unfortunately not listed for anyone he did dei twotheir recipes, and when he did it both forms is in the Norwegian folk songs, forLandstad tried not in this case to setje dei saman to ein text Landstad (1968: 247-255). Nor did Bugge in the 1850s several recipes of the ballad, among other things. After Hægeconverted by Web2PDFConvert. comOlsdotter Årmote (1787-1860) from MO. Hæge Olsdotter had a large and versatileBallad repertoire and advantage an age domme leg language with a lot of old forms and words,write Bugge. Hæge had learned songs "" in its infancy ", by the father (Bugge 1971: XI, JonssonAnd Solberg 2011: 466-470).L.M. Lindeman wrote up a tune by Bendik Ånundsson Sveigdalen/Felland(Skafså, Mo) in 1861 and after the Tone Martinsdatter Kolberg (Lårdal) in 1863. BothCatharinus Elling (in 1907), and Eivind Groven wrote trulig down after Margit Tveiten inVinje, and O.M. Sandvik wrote down a tune by Svein Tveiten (Svein Hovden), Bykle,Setesdal.Landstad thought out that we in this ballad had "a Romance" about storm other ElfErlingsson, who lasted, Melchior competes and avretta in Helsingborg (1290). But it does not.On the other hand, we have through the name «Erningsson» a minning Iven about hovudpersonen inÍvens saga: Iven, son to Urian/Yrian. Ívens saga byggjer in Chrétien de Troyes ' Yvainou le Chevalier au Lion and lasted up to transform from the French to the old Norse in the 13th century under HaakonHákonarson. The saga gave rise both to the ballad-and adventure dikting, særleg by the fact thatnamneformer and småmotiv was borrowed into the munnlege tradition.The Ballad also exists in Danish and Swedish, but with noko varierande action.