Vi skal være med på Kroppskunst mot barnekreft! Dette er en gylden sja翻訳 - Vi skal være med på Kroppskunst mot barnekreft! Dette er en gylden sja英語言う方法

Vi skal være med på Kroppskunst mot

Vi skal være med på Kroppskunst mot barnekreft!
Dette er en gylden sjangse til å få deg en rimelig tatovering og støtte en utrulig bra sak samtidig !

Vi har fullbooket timer fra morgenen til kl 15.00.
Etter kl 15.00 er det Drop In så da er det bare å komme å sette seg i kø og gomle kake og kaffe mens du venter :)
ALT vi får inn denne dagen går til kampen mot barnekreft!

Hver tatoveringene blir å koste 500,- og blir å ligge på rundt 5cm x 5cm.

Vi har lagt ut noen bilder med idèer om hva som egner seg fint for denne dagen å få på kroppen.
Om du har noen idéer selv som er enkel og passer størrelsen vil det også være mulig å få det.

Enkel skrift egner seg bra for denne dagen.

-----Ingen tatovering på hender denne dagen.
Ett lite hjerte ol. på finger kan vi gjøre. (da må kunden selv betale for oppfarging)------

Det vil bli solgt kaffe og kake der pengene vil gå til innsamlingen.

Vi skal holde på så lenge vi klarer!
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
We're going to be with on body art against child cancer! This is a golden chance to get you an affordable tattoo and support a good cause at the same time utrulig!We have fully booked hours from morning until 15:00. After 23:00 15:00 is the Drop In so then it's just to get to sit in the queue and the snack cake and coffee while you wait:)We all get into this day go to the fight against children's cancer.Each tattoos will be to cost-500.0 and are to remain at around 5 cm x 5 cm. We have posted some pictures with ideas about what is good for this day to get on the body. If you have any ideas, even that is easy and fits the size it will also be possible to get it. Easy font type is good for this day.-----No tattoo on your hands this day. One small heart Olympics. on the finger we can do. (then the customer must pay for oppfarging)------It will be sold coffee and cake where the money will go to the collection.We're going to keep on as long as we can!
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
We will participate in Shaven against pediatric cancer!
This is a golden chance at getting you a reasonable tattoo and support a utrulig good cause at the same time! We have fully booked hours from morning until 15.00. After 15.00 it Drop In so thats just getting to sit in line and munch cake and coffee while waiting :) EVERYTHING we get into that day goes to the fight against child cancer! Every tattoos will cost 500, - and is estimated at around 5cm x 5cm. we have posted some pictures with ideas about what is appropriate fine for this day to get to the body. if you have any ideas yourself which is simple and suitable size will also be possible to get it. simple font is well suited for this day. ----- No tattoo on hands that day. One small heart ol. the finger we can do. (then the customer must pay for their oppfarging) ------ It will be sold coffee and cake where the money will go to fund raising. We will stay on as long as we can!

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
We should be with the body art against child cancer!
This is a golden sjangse to get a reasonable tattoo and support a utrulig good case at the same time !

we have full booked hours from morning until 3pm.
after 3pm is the Drop In so when it is only to come to settle in the queue and candies cake and coffee while you wait :)
Everything we get into this day goes to the fight against child cancer!

Each tatoveringene is to cost 500,- and is to be around 5cm x 5cm.

We have laid out some pictures with ideas about what is suitable nice for this day to get on the body.
whether you have some ideas yourself that is easy and fit the size it will also be possible to get it.

Easy font suitable for this day.

-----no tattoo on hands this day.
One small heart Olympics.On the finger can we do. (when the customer must even pay for oppfarging)------

it will be sold coffee and cake where the money will go to the collection.

We shall keep on as long as we successfully!
翻訳ツールのサポート: アイスランド語, アイルランド語, アゼルバイジャン語, アフリカーンス語, アムハラ語, アラビア語, アルバニア語, アルメニア語, イタリア語, イディッシュ語, イボ語, インドネシア語, ウイグル語, ウェールズ語, ウクライナ語, ウズベク語, ウルドゥ語, エストニア語, エスペラント語, オランダ語, オリヤ語, カザフ語, カタルーニャ語, カンナダ語, ガリシア語, キニヤルワンダ語, キルギス語, ギリシャ語, クメール語, クリンゴン, クルド語, クロアチア語, グジャラト語, コルシカ語, コーサ語, サモア語, ショナ語, シンド語, シンハラ語, ジャワ語, ジョージア(グルジア)語, スウェーデン語, スコットランド ゲール語, スペイン語, スロバキア語, スロベニア語, スワヒリ語, スンダ語, ズールー語, セブアノ語, セルビア語, ソト語, ソマリ語, タイ語, タガログ語, タジク語, タタール語, タミル語, チェコ語, チェワ語, テルグ語, デンマーク語, トルクメン語, トルコ語, ドイツ語, ネパール語, ノルウェー語, ハイチ語, ハウサ語, ハワイ語, ハンガリー語, バスク語, パシュト語, パンジャブ語, ヒンディー語, フィンランド語, フランス語, フリジア語, ブルガリア語, ヘブライ語, ベトナム語, ベラルーシ語, ベンガル語, ペルシャ語, ボスニア語, ポルトガル語, ポーランド語, マオリ語, マケドニア語, マラガシ語, マラヤーラム語, マラーティー語, マルタ語, マレー語, ミャンマー語, モンゴル語, モン語, ヨルバ語, ラオ語, ラテン語, ラトビア語, リトアニア語, ルクセンブルク語, ルーマニア語, ロシア語, 中国語, 日本語, 繁体字中国語, 英語, 言語を検出する, 韓国語, 言語翻訳.

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